QGIS – Selecting Connected Lines Between Start and End Point


Is there a method in QGIS to select all connected lines that are between a start and end feature (point or selected lines)?

I imagine a workflow going something like this:

  1. Choose the starting line feature
  2. Choose the ending line feature
  3. Run a process that will select all features (between the start and end) that are connected.

The end result would look something highlighted yellow lines in the picture below, assuming I had pre-selected lines at the beginning and end of the now highlighted arcs.

enter image description here

This is an alternative method: How do I select the longest connected lines from PostGIS ST_ApproximateMedialAxis?

Best Answer

The best solution that I can think of is to calculate the shortest path between two points using the Road Graph plugin.

You can find a full example of the usage of the plugin here 7.3. Lesson: Network Analysis - QGIS

Start and end points

The result of the Road Graph plugin

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