[GIS] Seeking tutorials, books, papers, blogs, etc to handle spatial data in R

rreferencesspatial statistics

Does anyone know some good tutorials, books, papers, blogs, etc to handle spatial data in R?

I know that there are some packages like rgdal and maptools but I haven't actually found useful tutorials to get in touch with the basic functions (read, plot, change symbology, join data, etc.) and/or to get a broader overview what are the actual capabilities of R for spatial analysis and manipulation of Spatial data.

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There's quite a few resources for learning 'spatial' R online:

A few nice tutorials, including some with a focus on interactivity (often listed as a weakness of doing GIS with R)

I also made a quick easy and holistic tutorial you folks can check out here https://github.com/mattjbayly/MapsProj. All you need is the R text script and all other material is downloaded remotely from R.

My tutorial covered GIS data imports/exports, basic manipulation of vector & raster data, some of basic plotting and a brief overview of projections. Estimated time to complete: 60mins