Route Calculation Service – Getting Routes Between Several Points

apiopenstreetmaproutingsoftware-recommendationsweb service

I need a routing service with an API callable from a web or desktop application.
I have several points: a start, an end, and intermediate points in the disorder. I expect the routing service to send me the shortest path between the start and the end, via every intermediate point.

Do you know such a service ?

Best Answer

OSRM has an routing API that can do that. You can find the documentation for the API here. But you have to put them in the order of appearance beforehand.

To route via certain coordinates list them in the query string in the order of appearance (currently limited to 25 max points and to vehicle routing only):,lon1&loc=lat2,lon2&loc=lat3,lon3&loc=lat4,lon4&...&latX,lonX

Please have a look at the API Usage Policy before you use it.

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