[GIS] Seeking native spatially-enabled SDK to deploy GIS data on iOS and Android mobile devices


I am only interested in iOS and Android options that allow me to build native solutions to render/collect data. Response time is very important, since I want to be able to draw many geometries – not just points. Extra points for automatic clustering options.
Licensing is very important – if it makes my resulting product fully Open Source (for examples, forces me to GPL my resulting code) then it is not an option.

  1. Route-Me (iPhone/iPad): Slippy Map to show tiles.

  2. Spatialite (Android/iPhone/iPad) GIS spatially-enabled backend.

  3. Couchbase Mobile (Android/iOS) Library to do synchronization (disconnected editing) with CouchDB NoSQL Databases. GeoCouch provides spatially-enabled backend.

  4. ArcGIS for Smartphones SDK (Android/iOS) All-encompasing library.

  5. Cloudmade SDK (Android/iOS) displays their own layers with some minor options to overlay your own. I wasn't sure I should list it, but this is pre-emptive.

  6. Every platform has their own limited options (allow to put some basic markers) out of the box. This includes MapKit and the Android Maps.

I did not list gvSIG Mobile because of the licensing (GPL) and that the iOS portion is under development. Also, OpenLayers and Sencha Touch are web-based, so not exactly what I am looking for since IMHO, the UX is still lacking for current-generation Smarphones. And any of the web-to-native compilers like Titanium Appcelerator and similar are usually just very simple wrappers to the native options.

What good options that are not listed do I have? Is there a comprehensive list anywhere?

Best Answer

Since some people have asked me what was the end result of this: I ended up writing my own framework with a friend that works cross-platform on iOS (iPhone and tablets) as well as Android devices.

Here is a link to a free basic Android TileCache viewer that I built with it

Using my imagery TileCache:

Globe Viewer Imagery

Using my own vector (OSM modified) TileCache:

OSM TileCache

Menu to add your own TileCache:

Adding your data

There is an experimental version that we did with elevation, elevation lighting and bathymetry (not in the released version yet).

With lighting experiments

With experiments

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