[GIS] Seeking land use map in London and UK


I am looking for the land use data of London in vector format, preferably in polygons. I am interested in whether a building / an area is residential, office or retail use, like this one (https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-spatial-distribution-of-three-key-land-use-categories-in-Inner-London_fig5_301482105).

But I tried to download several datasets including Strategi® which includes developed land use areas. But unfortunately, no land use attributes are available in the shapefile. I could only find the data from UMMAP product from Verisk: http://www.geoinformationgroup.co.uk/ukmap But the data is not an open data.

Where can I find the open free land use map for London and the UK?

Best Answer

Digimap is not particulary "open" but you can access it if you are associated with an institution that has a partnership with them, so you should give it a try.


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