[GIS] Seeking Australian Topo Map GeoTIFFs


Does anyone know if Australian topo map GeoTIFFs are made available anywhere (preferably for free)?

LINZ makes them available in New Zealand – http://www.linz.govt.nz/topography/topo-maps/index.aspx, and I was hoping a similar service was available for Australia.

Best Answer

MapConnect has 1:250k data for download in many formats, including as ECW rasters which can be converted to GeoTiff with GDAL if needed. They also have a partial coverage of 1:50k topographic maps, but they cost money.

If you're interested in creating your own topographic maps, check out TopOSM, which aims to produce high-quality topographic maps from open data, and includes the source code to do so if you're willing to get your hands dirty. You might also find some hints in this quesion.