[GIS] Seeking Australian Spatial Data


I already have basemap data. For that Bing Maps or OpenStreetMap are fine.

However, for demonstration purposes I need data for operational layers that I can throw on top of this.

It needs to be free, within Australia, and open for use.

For example:

  • Flood Zone Data
  • Historic bush fire data
  • Historic weather data
  • Census data
  • Crime data
  • Disease data

Are there other sources of Australian spatial data?

Best Answer

Try data.gov.au for Australian spatial data. Most of it in kml/kmz format.

Most state governments also have equivalent sites. For example:

Geoscience Australia has an extensive catalogue of data for sale or for free download, including the Geodata 250K Topography dataset package. Also, the Bureau of Statistics now offers a lot of data (including historical) in spatial formats.

A few of these sites will require a sign-up, but beyond a basic form to fill in you should be good to go with the data.

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