[GIS] Seeking ArcGIS Desktop tutorials


I'm looking for a good way to learn more ArcGIS techniques than I came across in my undergraduate Geography degree to really use the power of the software.

Browsing around and asking questions on this site has helped quite a bit e.g. I did not realised that you could link dataframes together, or even that you could have multiple data frames ([see How to provide automatic overview map in ArcGIS Desktop?).

Similarly, I suspect there are lots of ArcGIS features that could really make my life easier, but that I just don't know about e.g. geodatabases.

What I'm really looking for are tutorial recommendations, in any medium (books, videos, websites, whatever). Obviously free or cheap are better, but I do have a budget for books as part of my PhD. As I probably hinted at above, I'm more interested in general usage of ArcGIS rather than specific tools (like DEM processing or route-finding), and something that is relatively structured would be good, so that I can work through it in a sensible order.

I know this is a bit of a tall order, but any ideas?

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Ensure you have ArcTutor installed (comes with ArcGIS Desktop install)

Start doing the tutorials.

Id also advise paying a trip to the ESRI Virtual Campus. - Plenty of free training on there to get you started.

Go to video.esri.com for inspiration.

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