[GIS] Scatterplot, correlation of dependence and r-square between two rasters


I have two rasters of the same region and of same resolution and I want to plot in a scatter plot their values and compute the best – fit line with r-square. Any idea how can I do this on Arcmap or QGIS or extract the values of the rasters in a file so I can import it into Excel?
Unfortunately I don't use R neither python.

Best Answer

You can use the Image Correlation, Image Regression, and Feature Space Plot tools in Whitebox Geospatial Analysis Tools to achieve this. It works on whole images, with the caveat that when you have very high sample sizes (i.e. millions of pixels) even very small differences will yield statistical significance, which may not be physically meaningful.

Here's an example of an Image Regression output for two bands of Landsat 8 imagery:

enter image description here

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