QGIS – Save TIFF from WMS Layer for Bhuvan LULC


I am new to QGIS. I was trying to export .tiff from WMS layer.

WMS URL is :


This WMS layer is from bhuvan for lulc data India.


I can successfully add layer to QGIS but fail to save it as .tiff . My settings while saving TIFF file:

export as tiff

Problem is it does not create any .tiff file, even though it reports it has created a tiff. Exporting the layer as another data type (GeoPackage) to the same location works.

Tiff reported as created, but no image is created

How can I save it as .tiff and how to check what formats are supported by a WMS service ?

Best Answer

You can check the output formats available by looking at the GetCapabilities response:

  <Format>image/png; mode=8bit</Format>

or by right clicking the layer in the browser and selecting layer properties.

Also the image formats that are available in the service for use in QGIS are shown in the WMS/WMTS data source manager, as below.

Image encodings

Tiff is available and selecting tiff gives you the tiff through a request like:


I'm not sure why the file isn't created when you export it though.

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