[GIS] Satellite data to position coordinates


Is there a step by step process to convert sets of raw satellite data to traditional GPS lat/long points or a website that takes the data and processes it?

Example of the raw satellite data:


Have looked thru the following:




What is the approximate error of the Pythagorean Theorem vs. Haversine Formula in measuring distances on a sphere at various scales?

Best Answer

It looks like a NMEA message.

gpsworld.com has some details about how the NMEA messages are structured:

To understand the NMEA message structure, let’s examine the popular $GPGGA message. This particular message was output from an RTK GPS receiver:

$GPGGA,181908.00,3404.7041778,N,07044.3966270, W,4,13,1.00,495.144,M,29.200,M,0.10,0000*40

All NMEA messages start with the $ character, and each data field is separated by a comma.

GP represent that it is a GPS position (GL would denote GLONASS).

181908.00 is the time stamp: UTC time in hours, minutes and seconds.

3404.7041778 is the latitude in the DDMM.MMMMM format. Decimal places are variable.

N denotes north latitude.

07044.3966270 is the longitude in the DDDMM.MMMMM format. Decimal places are variable.

W denotes west longitude.


It goes on. But based on that info, I would say the time = 18:04:45.0811520511 UTC; latitude = 27° 1' N; longitude = 93° 49' W; and altitude = 20162.9 km.

That site also has an Excel workbook for converting the coordinates from DDDMM.MMMMM into other formats.

I'm not aware of any sites or software that process those NMEA strings (though there might be some). That said, armed with an understanding of the message components, there should be lots of ways to go about processing the data yourself.

One option would be to use Excel to separate the string into columns and then create formulas for the coordinate conversion based on that workbook.

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