[GIS] Runtime error using arcpy module


I'm writing an automatization script that auto imports new line features. This has to be done for ~40k line features. The program runs pretty well since i had to optimatize it quite a lot to meet speed standards and to avoid memory errors.

I have one existing feature dataset in *.gdb that represents roads in my country . I then get a shapefile that represents new features. The scipt then takes each feature of a shapefile and creates new temporary shape with only that feature so i can select by location for only one feature. Geometry of the selected data is then saved as python dict for faster processing. That single feature is also saved as dict with geometry. Then it runs some self created functions for fixing topology(intersections, deletes overlaying features, snaping) and finally updates attributes with some of new attributes from shapefile and some attributes that are copied from overlaying features that were deleted.

The whole "program" is 1000+ rows long and seperated in more files for better code organization so that specific code snippet might be not useful.

Every so often though the script runs into runtime error. What is strange about this error is that there is no trackback or anything. It just shows the "Runtime Error" in red and nothing else.

I should say that this error only happens every so often but it breaks my code stability.

Does anyone have similar error experiance using arcpy and what could be done to avoid this error since I can't even handle the exeption since i get no feedback to the exact line in which the error happens?

What i'm trying to ask is if anyone from SE comunity got this "blank" error in their work with arcpy.

I'm using ArcGis 10.4 with python 2.7

Here is the picture of error message.

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can check the following things:

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