[GIS] Running ArcGIS Desktop in virtual machine

arcgis-10.0arcgis-desktoplinuxvirtual machinewindows 7

I'm trying to run ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 in a Windows 7 (32bit) virtual machine. I don't have any native Microsoft Windows available. I'm using VirtualBox from Oracle for virtualization in a native linux environment (Sabayon).

I'm having exactly this issue: ArcGIS Explorer Map Display Issue

The proposed solution is to update video card driver. But in VirtualBox there are driver called "Guest additions" and they are already up-to-date.

I know some of my fellow students are working with ArcGIS in VMs and they seem not to have any kind of issues. What could it be?

the map only renders on right-click

3D- and 2D-Video-acceleration are enabled.

  • It's a native Linux machine, running a virtual Windows 7 machine – 32bit.
  • I'm aware of ESRI's system requirements. I allocated 256MB video RAM and enabled 2D and 3D hardware acceleration – as seen in the screenshot. Anyways, I've been running this analyzation of my system requirements from inside the machine, this is the result:

system requirements test results

Now I got to figure out how to fix it. Video memory is okay, but the rest I've never heard of…

I installed the experiemental WDDM drivers as @scw suggested, now it looks like that:

system requirements test results

I have all recommended attributes now, but it still says:

Unfortunately, your Video Card does not meet this requirement.

In addition, ArcGIS crashs now after adding any layers.

Best Answer

To solve the rendering-issues in VirtualBox you need to disable 3D-Hardware- and 2D-Video-Acceleration.

This is quite paradox, but I asked friends who used ArcGIS in a VirtualBox session and they simply told me I should try to turn off the acceleration.

It works.