[GIS] RTKGPS+ or RTKLIB configuration of rover and input streams for Stonex S8plus


I've tried to use RTKGPS+ and RTKLIB with external antenna and via NTRIP to communicate with Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) of my country (MAKPOS), but I couldn't make connection (i have user, password, port 9001, NTRIP mountpoint: iMAX-Auto, host: makpos.katastar.gov.mk) I have Stonex S8plus and i like to try to use smartphone+external antena via NTRIP to connect with MAKPOS and do Network RTK or DGPS.

Simply the configuration of this system is by these segments:

Referent base stations (14 stations in radius of 50-70km between each of them). Leica GRX 1200+ & Leica AR 25 … 9 stations Leica GRX 1200 GG Pro & Leica AT 504 GG … 2 stations Leica GX 1230 GG & Leica AX 1202 GG … 3 stations Control Center: Leica GNSS Spider (controlling and managing with network, RT Proxi Server and NTRIP Caster) Leica GNSS Spider QC (controling the quality of data and coordinates on network points) Leica GNSS Spider WEB (distribution of RINEX) Services in MAKPOS DGPS (accuracy 0.3-0.5 m), it uses RTCM 2.x and the transfer is by GPRS and NTRIP RTK (accuracy 0.02-0.04m), it uses RTCM 2.x and RTCM 3.x and the transfer is by GPRS and NTRIP Precise positioning with additional processing, (<0.01 m), RINEX, transfer via Internet, mail..

Does anyone have done RTK or DGPS with this app or with another app? Where can I find configuration file for Stonex S8plus?

I made configuration to sent NMEA via bluetooth in Stonex Assistant, at 1hz page 52 in user manual.

Link of RTKGPS+ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gpsplus.rtkgps&hl=en

Stonex S8plus user manual: http://www.stonexpositioning.com/jdownloads/Public/Manuals%20and%20tutorials/English/GNSS%20receivers/S8%20PLUS/s8_plus_user_manual.pdf

Best Answer

Unless I am not fully understanding the question, you should be able to make your NTRIP/DIP settings in the Assistant software. Once configured, the receiver would output the corrected NMEA data from the receiver. The need for the RTKGPS+ and RTKLIB wouldn't be needed as long as the NTRIP settings can be completed within the Assistance software, which it appears it can be.

Are you looking to send the corrected NMEA data to another device? Or do you have a data collector with field collection software? A lot of the field data collection software has the ability to also configure the GNSS receiver's settings as well.