[GIS] road density km/km2 calculation


I am trying to calculate the road density in my study landscape. I am using the spatial analyst, and the line density function. By default, the tool is setting a cell size of 3.6km*3.6km, and the window to 30819. The results look correct visually (high density of roads show up as such), but the values dont make sense. The range is from 0-.23, which I am interpreting as .23 km per 12.96km2. These values are very very low, and are definitely not correct. Am I making a very big oversight? The projection is in WGS_1984_World_Mercator, and the study site is in India.

Best Answer

in my point of view, you should decide your unit area (it could be county boundary or certain grid). after that, do some geoprocessing to divide roads in each unit area. Then you calculate each of roads length in each unit area and divide with the hectarage (or km2).

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