[GIS] reverse proxy on geoserver


I have installed the new Geoserver 2.8.0 and to avoid CORS related errors I wanted to implement a reverse proxy, instead of setting response headers.

In version 2.1.3 there was a <filter-name>Reverse Proxy Filter</filter-name> that you could enable, in the web.xml file.

In version 2.8.0, I could not found such filter. How can I implement a reverse proxy, so I can get rid of CORS related issues?

Best Answer

From http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.geoserver.user/42219

  1. Put content of this archive http://shanbe.hezoun.com/cors.zip into the \webapps\geoserver\WEB-INF\classes folder.
  2. use <filter-class>org.mortbay.servlets.CrossOriginFilter</filter-class> insteand of <filter-class>org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.CrossOriginFilter</filter-class>

You can put follwing conf. inside the \webapps\geoserver\web.xml to allow CORS requests from all domains:



Restart the geoserver and it should work.