OpenTripPlanner – How to Return Route Geometry Using OpenTripPlanner API


I already managed to return geometries of Isochrones using the API as follows:,14.5792197160854

Now I'd like to also return requested routes via OpenTripPlanner REST-API as line geometry which can be loaded into a GIS.,14.5311114&toPlace=44.127964,14.603506&time=14:00:00&date=2017/11/22&mode=CAR

returns the route as JSON, but not its geometry.

I already tried different URLs as described in the API-Docs here:, but so far I wasn't able to return a route geometry.

Is it possible to return the geometry of a route using OpenTripPlanner API and if so, how?

Best Answer

plan resource returns an encoded polylinestring.

This can be turned into 'actual geometry' using scripts from this Stack Overflow question:

There are working ports for python, VBA, Java, ...

These can be used to create a GeoJSON file of the route.

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