[GIS] Return latitude and longitude from geometry point type


For storing latitude and longitude in the database, I use the following query:

WITH cte_posttype AS (
 SELECT posttype_id, code AS posttypeCode FROM "post"."posttype" WHERE code = $6;
INSERT INTO "post"."post"(post_id, user_id, fb_username, place_name, geom, posttype_id, status_text, status_img) 
VALUES ($1, $2, $3,
   ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint($5, $4), 4326),
   SELECT posttype_id FROM cte_posttype,
   $7, $8)
RETURNING post_id, user_id, fb_name, place_name, geom, cte_posttype.posttypeCode, status_text, status_img, updated_at, created_at;

The relevant part is:

ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint($5, $4), 4326)

Now how do I revert the geometry type back to get the original lat and lng to return it?
The same question applies on making a SELECT: I want to retrieve the lat and lng value to return it to the client as such.

Best Answer

In fact provided you always store your points as lon/lat (4326) then just

st_x(geom) as lng, st_y(geom) as lat 

should work.