ArcGIS Network Analyst – Restricting Road Network Portions from Analysis


I'm trying to sort out network analysis in ArcGIS 10.

This example of finding shortest distance between two points looks something like that :

closest facility output

Where squares are two locations, and the green line is an output from Closest Facility tool.

What I need to do, is to restrict motorways and slip roads from the analysis. So the new route should avouid the red segments:


What is the best strategy to proceed in such case?

Should I edit my network and delete all the segments I do not want to have in analysis?

Or perhaps use linear Barriers?

Best Answer

There is more than one solution to this problem.

This is a way that I would recommend:.

Assuming ArcMap is your primary tool:

  1. Open the attribute table of the network source features.

  2. Add a field of type "Short" (any integer type will do). This will effectively be a boolean value. Give it a name that would describe it as a restriction.

  3. For each road segment that meets your restriction parameters (i.e. motorways, slip roads) calculate that row's restriction value to be 1. All segments with a zero (or NULL) restriction value will be traversable.

  4. Add this value as a network restriction attribute and use a "field evaluator". You will need to "rebuild" your network. (Alternatively, use the New Network Dataset Wizard to create a new network dataset)

Supplementary information:

Feel free to ask for clarification if you run into any difficulty =)

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