QGIS Customization – Restoring Original Settings Menu


Making some tests in Windows XP for customizing a user interface in QGIS 1.8 (see http://www.duif.net/qgis/doc/output/html/en/docs/user_manual/introduction/qgis_configuration.html#customization), I have unchecked, among other options, the Settings Menu. This means that, after restarting QGIS, there's no way of recovering the older settings because there is not already a Setting Menu. So, I cannot reload any ini file.

For your information, as a precaution, previously I have saved in a folder both the original ini file, with all the options, and the customized ini file with only some options (of course, not included here the necessary Settings Menu).

Before reinstalling QGIS (version 1,8), I would like to try other smarter options if there's any. Where and what does QGIS look at where this applications starts?

Best Answer

The easiest solution is to start QGIS with the --nocustomization command line option and fix things from the GUI.

Other methods would be

QGIS up to 1.8

You can fix this in your registry by deleting either the whole section or searching and manipulating specific keys: (Use regedit to get access)


Starting from QGIS 2.0

In case you have still access to the python console (In the Plugins menu): Enter the following command which will disable the customization:

from PyQt4.QtCore import QSettings
QSettings().setValue( '/UI/Customization/enabled', False )

If not, you're going to have to fix this in your registry by setting the key "enabled" to false: (Use regedit to get access)


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