[GIS] Rendering problems for some polygons in a Leaflet map with a GeoJSON tile provider


New to mapping.

Trying to create a heat map with data that updates every hour for US Counties with leaflet.js similar to http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/examples/choropleth-example.html. But, adding all the US Counties in 1 shot makes map jerky in IE.

So found this example of using GeoJSON tiles with leaflet.js, http://bl.ocks.org/3725681

Only problem is that many tiles are not rendered completely. I think some of the z/x/y.json files are missing coordinates, but not sure. Can someone point me to the right direction of the problem here.

Best Answer

That gist is using GeoJSON designed for polymaps. While polymaps handled it correctly (see the original example), this Leaflet code (not Leaflet itself, the GeoJSON tiled layer connector) isn't quite complete.

So, part of this is that it's not quite finished. But the more-big part is that things being 'jerky' in IE is the norm - IE is a very bad web browser, and older versions will not handle vector rendering well regardless how much development time is put into projects.