[GIS] Rendering local osm files android dev


I'm development an android app for navigate inside the university campus, it's my graduation project :).
I did the campus map with Josm, now I have it in .osm

I found many libraries and frameworks for rendering of maps based on OpenStreetMap data but for politics things of the university I can't load the map to publics servers like Open Steet Maps 🙁 (so bad), then, I think make a local map and I found mapsforge as rendering (I don't know for routing) but my osm file doesn't have all information that Mapsforge Map-Writer request for made the Binary Map File for this library.

Now I'm going to try with CartoType but also I have to convert the format type and this apparently it's conflictive

someone did something like this? any recomendation? any way to render a native osm file?

Best Answer

As long as you have the data in OpenStreetMap format (i.e., you created it in JOSM, and exported as .osm), you should be able to load it into any tool that works with OSM data.

I'd take a look at OpenTripPlanner, which has a heavy transit focus but should also work for simple walk trips. You should be able to build a graph file that is then loaded into an OTP server for routing.

We built an open-source OTP Android app as well, which you're free to use (and contribute to ;)). You basically set up an OTP server, and point the app to it. Then you can plan any trip in the app based on the underlying data in OTP.

Note that the above is for routing, but won't help you with visualizing map tiles. However, we do support custom tile servers (right now we support Mapbox, Lyrk, MapQuest OSM, CycleMap, and Google tiles) in our Android app. So, if you're able to render tiles based on your .osm file and load them into a tile server, you should be able to add the tile server fairly easily into OTP Android (just a matter of configuring a new URL for a tile provider in a resource file, and adding an entry for that in the app user interface).

Feel free to contact us via mailing list if you have any more questions on these projects.

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