[GIS] Rendering data quicker in ArcMap


Is there a way to speed up rendering data into ArcMap ?

When I converted the raster to polygon and some data would render quicker and some other renders slow.

I am wondering if I could add the spatial index to the data that renders slow.

Would that work or is there anything that I could make the data render quicker?

Best Answer

It is all about throughput.

  1. normalizing data. (using rdbms techniques) to make the data as light as possible.
  2. spatial indexing
  3. smart data type selection (i.e. fgdb for field ops, rdbms for enterprise, raster mosaics, tiling, Cache)
  4. efficient network resources. (if the bottleneck is the file server even a small file is going to render slowly).
  5. There are some documents available on ESRI Resource Center
    and for Caching
    Also if you are a single machine (no network), no enterprise considerations, you should take a read here Derek Law has some good advice on some whitepapers.
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