[GIS] Renaming raster files with ArcPy


I have multiple raster layers (TIFF) with names following this pattern:


and I would like to rename them to follow this pattern:


I've tried to use this code (edited according to PolyGeo's answer):

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

env.workspace = "E:/Training/TryArcpy/test01_2017"

in_data = arcpy.ListRasters()

for raster in in_data:
    out_data = raster[4:13] + raster[20:26] + fileExtension
    arcpy.Rename_management(in_data, out_data)

The message I get is:

Runtime error 
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 3, in <module>
File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.5\arcpy\arcpy\management.py", 
line 4537, in Rename
raise e
RuntimeError: Object: Error in executing tool

Is this because I have a raster list as in_data? If yes, how do I loop through multiple rasters without using a list, or use a list in appropriate way? And if no, what could be the problem?

Best Answer

I would not recommend renaming using os in this because your TIFF files may have associated files like world files (**.tfw) that will be missed.

Also, the os module is unaware of the setting you have for arcpy.env.workspace.

I would use the Rename tool instead:

Changes the name of a dataset. This includes a wide variety of data types, among them feature dataset, raster, table, and shapefile.

Take care to distinguish the raster's layer name from its data source.

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