Remove Slivers in ArcGIS – Removing Small Spaces (Slivers) Between Polygons in ArcGIS


I have a set of polygons representing administrative districts. The districts were digitized by hand, and there are small spaces (slivers) between polygons where the polygons should be touching.

How can I have the polygons snap together, removing the spaces?

Best Answer

Use Eliminate (ArcInfo License required)

Eliminates polygons by merging them with neighboring polygons that have the largest area or the longest shared border. Eliminate is often used to remove small sliver polygons that are the result of overlay operations, such as Intersect or Union.

enter image description here

ArcGIS 10 Users Note there is a NEW Feature in the Options for this Tool.

It is now possible to preserve the original POLYGON or POLYLINE with the option > ex_features (Optional) An input polyline or polygon feature class or layer that defines polygon boundaries, or portions thereof, that should not be eliminated.

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