[GIS] Removing points which fall outside of selected polygons using QGIS


I have a project of finding the safest and most convenient place to cycle in London. There is a polygon layer(the yellow polygons) of boroughs that have lower collision rate; and a points layer showing all the parking space (green points).

enter image description here

I wanted to show only points in yellow polygon, I have tried to use vector–> Geoprocessing tools –> clip, I used points layer as the input layer, and yellow polygon layer as the clip layer. But the result removed all the points on map.

Can someone tell which step did I do wrong ?

Best Answer

Try to select the point withing the yellow polygon feature using Select by location tool from Vector -> Research tools -> Select by location

enter image description here

  • In the Select feature in: select the point feature
  • Select the polygon feature in the that intersect features in
  • If the points located within selected polygon features (not as separate polygon layer), then you need to check Only selected feature located at the bottom
  • Then save the selected point as new shapefile from Right-click the point layer -> Save as -> Check save only selected features

enter image description here

You need to make sure that both point and polygon shapefiles have the same CRS.

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