[GIS] Removing label arrows using Easy Custom Labeling tool


I am labeling a lot of features and the Easy Custom Labeling tool is helping me to move every label to the desired position. I also like that the tool adds arrows for labels that I moved but sometimes I am just moving them some few pixels and do not want an arrow to be created.

I am now wondering how I can get rid of a selection of arrows.
For now, I can only think of creating two layers: one for labels without arrows and one for the ones with arrows.

Best Answer

To exclude some of the arrows of labels that have been moved with the tool you can manipulate label's layer. I first selected all the labels with arrows that should not have arrows and then used the Field Calculator to add a new column in the attribute table. In this column I put a "1" for the selected labels. For the labels that were not moved or should keep the arrow I left the column empty.

After that it is just a matter of styling the layer:

Go to Properties -> Styles and choose "Categorized Styles" to define different stylings according to the value in the new column. For the arrows you want to disappear choose "No pen" as Pen Style in the Symbol Selector.

enter image description here

Below you can see an example. The labels for the United Kingdom and Ireland were moved and their value in the new "Arrow"-column was set to one. (Basemap data credit: Natural Earth)
