QGIS Labeling – How to Remove Duplicate Point Labels in QGIS


I am working on a protected areas map. The label layer is from the mapping authority. The one I am using is point based.

Unfortunately some of the points carry the same name leading to duplicate names for mountain areas, glaciers and other. I am for several reasons bound to use this layer, so finding a different layer or making changes to the layer is not within the scope of this question.

Result of duplicate label names, point layer

Is there a way to remove duplicate labels when labels are within a certain distance of each other?

If so, can such a rule be enforced within one of the categories when rule-based labelling is used?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Fast forward into 2020 and QGIS 3.10. There are now dedicated tools to do the accepted answer methodology.

In the labels properties, select the Placement tab. Select the Offset from point option and use the center quadrant.

In the Geometry generator, use the following expression:

centroid(collect( $geometry,  "UWI" ))

enter image description here

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