[GIS] Removing border of symbol in QGIS


I have a point layer in QGIS. I have created a
graduated color scheme, but it doesn't look good because
the border of all the symbols is showing and are overlapping (so you hardly see the color of the marker itself anymore).

Is there a way to remove the border of a standard symbol (symbol layer type: simple marker)?

The only thing I found with google was http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2012-March/015778.html, but that was not very helpfull for me (I don't find the Outline option to set to None)

I am using QGIS 1.7.4

UPDATE: summary possible answers (thanks to @Marty and @SS_Rebelious):

  • Change the "Symbol layer type" from "Simple marker" to "Font marker" (in symbol selector window), select the '.' symbol and change the color.
  • You can set the border color to the same RGB value as the fill color (but this is a lot of manual work if you have a graduated color scheme => you have to do it manually for each class).
  • Another option is to use Old Symbology where you have the option to set the 'outline' to 'None'. However, the graduated color scheme is not as advanced as in the New Symbology (no color ramp to choose) and you have to set the outline for each class manually.

I used the first option, as this is the most automated way.

Best Answer

You could try: Layer properties -> Style -> Change -> And set the border color to something else.

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