[GIS] Register SDE view and Layer


I'm building simple views against an ArcSDE Oracle RAC 10g. My SHAPE columns are of SDO_GEOMETRY datatype. ArcSDE 9.3.1.

I have several point tables, with the following outline:

ID (Guid)
Name (string)
Shape (SHAPE)

I've built a simple view liek this in Oracle!


    SELECT ID, Name, Shape from TABLE_A

        UNION ALL

    SELECT ID, Name, Shape from TABLE_B

        -- etc

The view in Oracle is created just fine. I've registered this view with the command line:

sdetable -o create_view -T POINTS -t VW_POINTS -c Id, Name, SHAPE etc

The ArcSDE view is created again, just fine. I can use ArcObjects to query it, etc. I need now to create a Layer. I've tried the command line tools, sdelayer -o register, but I had no success. It gives me a message, saying that views are not suported.

I will need to do this several times, sometimes using complex syntax for building the view.

What is the problem? How can visualize these spatial views as SDE layers (I don't need to edit them, just view them spatially inside ArcMap)

Thanks for the input!


This is a screenshot in ArcMap, for your deligth 😛

ArcMap Screenshot for your happiness:

As requested, here comes the describe_long

// create_view
C:\Users\H>sdetable -o create_view -s server -i port -u user -p pass -T
view_airspace_points -t vw_airspace_points_oracle -c "*"

at this point I altered the view on oracle, including a cast as numeric(38,0) before registration.

// register layer
C:\Users\H>sdelayer -o register -l view_airspace_points,shape -C OBJECTID,USER –
g RTREE -s server -i port -u user -p pass -e p -P HIGH

ArcSDE 9.3.1 for Oracle10g Build 2784 Tue Oct 27 10:51:14 2009

Layer Administration Utility

Layer Description ….:

Table Owner ……….: SIGMAGIS2


Spatial Column …….: SHAPE

Layer Id ………….: 1398

SRID ……………..: 79

Minimum Shape Id …..: 1

Offset ……………:

falsex: -180.000000

falsey: -90.000000

System Units ………: 994200.000000

Z Offset…………..: 0.000000

Z Units …………..: 1.000000

Measure Offset …….:

Measure Units ……..:

XY Cluster Tolerance .: 2.0

Spatial Index ……..:

parameter: SPIDX_RTREE

exist: Yes

array form: -2,0,0

Layer Envelope …….:

minx: -180.00000, miny: -90.00000

maxx: 180.00000, maxy: 90.00000

Entities ………….: p

Layer Type ………..: In-Line Spatial Type

Creation Date ……..: 06/28/11 09:28:45

I/O Mode ………….: NORMAL

Autolocking ……….: Enabled

Precision………….: High


Coordinate System ….: GEOGCS["Longitude / Latitude [WGS 84]",DATUM["WGS 84",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Decimal


Layer Configuration ..: DEFAULTS

Best Answer

What you are looking for is a Spatial-View, now the only major issue you will see here is that you need to be careful with the fields you are joining on. This is a pretty nice process, I use it all over the place where I have generalized my DB to talk with thin spatial data.

    sdetable -o create_view -T emp_region_view -t "employees,world.regions" 
-c "employees.name,employees.emp_id,world.regions.reg_id,world.regions.rname,world.regions.region"
-a "employee,eid,rid,region,area" -w "employees.emp_id = world.regions.emp_id"
-s myodbserver -i sde:oracle11g:ora1 -u gdb -p gdb.bdg

This should get you well on your way to what you want. The key is getting your fields to map correct. I tend to just do the view with the minimum I need, then use a UI to edit that view once registered in SDE to do my more fine-grain tweaks.