[GIS] Redefining nodata values into zero in QGIS without changing the other values


I have a raster layer with nodata pixels and I want these to be 0. I have tried the SAGA tool "reclassify values", the GDAL "fill nodata" (also with a validity mask containing only zeroes) and the SAGA "close gaps".

My problem is that with all these, the other values are also being changed –for example, the maximum value in my initial raster layer is 32.94 but after the reclassification, the maximum value is 29.4.
I don't understand why the other values are also being transformed!?

Best Answer

QGIS shows min/max values at 2%/98% quantiles by default, and replacing nodata by zero(0), or adding zeros to the dataset, can shift its range.

Let me try to illustrate what (i think) had happened, using a sample dataset taken from USGS Lake Tahoe Basin.

enter image description here

The above Layers Panel shows 2 layers, Reclassified Grid which came from SAGA "reclassify values" tool which replaced NoData values of tahoedems (original DEM) by zero (0).

We notice its maximum value also changed from 9327.77 to 9275.77. It is confirmed by Min (0) and Max (9275.77) values on the Layer properties | Style. (see below image)

----- Min and Max values (default display) of Reclassifed raster ----

enter image description here

However, what we are looking at the above image is Cumulative count cut (2%~98%).

Changing the setting to Min/max and Accuracy | Actual (slower) gives us real data range. (0 ~ 10890, as below)

----- Min and Max values (actual range) of Reclassifed raster ----

enter image description here

This maximum value of the original raster (tahoedems), which range 4616~10890 ft confirms that maximum (10890) remains unchanged.

----- Min and Max values (actual range) of original DEM ----

enter image description here

The distribution of cell values, which was 4616-10890 originally, was skewed toward lower-side by adding 0-values where there were no data (in other words there were NoData cells). This shifted 2%/98% cumulative count, so it looked as if it changed maximum value, too.

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