[GIS] Reclassifying raster/extracting pixel values conditionall over multipolygon shapefile


I have a shapefile containing 38 polygons i.e. 38 states of a country. This shapefile is overlaid on a raster. I need to extract/reclassify pixel above a certain value, specific to each polygon. For example, I need to extract the raster pixels> 120 for state/polygon 1, pixels> 189 for polygon 2 etc with the resulting raster being the extracted pixels with value 1 and everything else as NoData. Hence, it seems like I need to extract first and then reclassify.

I have the values, for extraction, saved as a data frame with a column containing names, matching the names of the states,which is stored as an attribute "Name" in the shapefile.

Any suggestion on how I could go about this? Should I extract the raster for each state into 38 separate rasters, then do reclassify() and then mosaic to make one raster i.e. the country?

Best Answer

Here's a way to do it:

Need these (I'd use sf but raster doesn't play with sf):

> library(rgdal)
> library(sp)
> library(raster)

Make some sample data. Use the scottish boundaries:

> scot_BNG <- readOGR(dsn=dsn, layer="scot_BNG")
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "/home/rowlings/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/rgdal/vectors", layer: "scot_BNG"
with 56 features
It has 13 fields

And add a field which is your threshold value:

> scot_BNG$thresh = round(runif(nrow(scot_BNG))*100)

Now make a sample raster data, 1km cells, over the area of the polygons:

> r = raster(scot_BNG, res=c(1000,1000))
> r[] = round(runif(317629)*100)

Right. Now we can actually get to the work since we've got data that should be like yours. First make a raster on the same grid as r but with the threshold values from the polygons:

> rp = rasterize(scot_BNG, r, field="thresh")

and then you can do:

> rt = r > rp
> plot(rt)

grid of values

which is a grid of 1 where the raster is greater than the underlying polygon's threshold value, and zero elsewhere, and nodata where there's nodata in the raster. Converting 0 to nodata is easy enough, or possibly not necessary. Anyway, the trick is rasterizing and then comparing.