[GIS] Reclassifying a DEM using ArcMap 10.1


I have a DEM that am reclassifying into two classes. One areas less than or equal to 1000 and the other areas greater than 1000.
Am accomplishing this using the reclassify Tool in ArcMap 10.1.

The results are a range that I don't understand,what could be the problem Results

The reclassify tool Reclassify window

Properties of DEM

Best Answer

Try splitting your raster into smaller parts. It seems to be really big.

I just found this post: http://forums.esri.com/Thread.asp?c=93&f=995&t=225045, someone had a similar problem as you:

Quote from link above: Any count exceeding 2^31-1 will therefore "roll over" into the most negative numbers; for instance, (2^31-1) + 1 will appear as -2^31. For some analyses this may make no difference provided the original count is less than 2^32, but for many analyses you will get incorrect results.

As your count of raster cells is negative, I suspect the size of the raster (and therefore the number of pixels) to cause the problem.

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