[GIS] Reclassify on land cover raster won’t work


I'm new to GIS so I apologize if this question is basic but I couldn't find my answer online.

I'm trying to reclassify a land cover raster from the National Land Cover Database. I want to reclassify into a three category raster: 1 – natural areas, 2 – agricultural areas, and 3 – developed areas.

I am going to Spatial Analyst > Reclassify and then I reclassify by unique values and enter my new values into their respective places. When I reclassify, I only get one value: 2. And it doesn't even correspond to what I've classified as 2.

What can I do to fix this? I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

As discovered in the comments, one row (value = 21) was selected before running Reclassify. The Reclassify tool only considered the selected row, therefore only reclassified those pixels where value = 21, to the new value, 2.

Edit: it may be worth noting that there is no mention of whether Reclassify respects selections in the help page. I would be interested to know if there is documentation regarding Reclassify's or Spatial Analyst's use of selections.

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