[GIS] Reclassification of raster


Is there a better way to do this?

I'm trying to create a script that will change classifications of a raster to:

0 for: 0,7-9,15-20,40,62-63,73,78-87,89-130,132-151,153-175,177-203,215,228,251-253

1 for: all others

#Considers 0 for:  63,81-83,87,111-112,121-124,141-143,190,195,     
#Considers 1 for:  All others.
#Considers "NODATA" for:  background, blank
import arcpy
from arcpy import env  
from arcpy.sa import *
env.workspace = r'C:\Erosion\LandCover'
outReclass1 = Reclassify("CDL_2014.tif", "Value", 
                                     [215,215,"NODATA"],[228,228,"NODATA"],[251,253,"NODATA"]]), 1)

I was attempting to modify the script from the ArcGIS Resource Center Desktop Help.

Best Answer

You should save the output raster to a raster format, not to a geodatabase, e.g.:


EDIT: And there is a missing bracket in the Reclassify line (RemapRange is enclosed but not Reclassify). I've updated my code as well.

You can also simplify the remap parameter a little bit by using the missing_values parameter for all other values that must be remapped to 1:

outReclass1 = Reclassify("raster.tif", "Value", 
                                     [177,203,0],[215,215,0],[228,228,0],[251,253,0]]), 1)

See the Reclassify help page for more details and examples.

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