[GIS] real-time weather forecast raster for Europe


I am trying to find a numeric weather forecast map (air pressure, temperature, snowfall, precipitation..) that I could display in my web map client. For the client I'm currently using OpenLayers with the 'web mercator' projection.

I searched for "numeric weather forecast models" and found the GFS (global forecast system) and ECMWF. There are also some websites like: http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/cgi-bin/expertcharts?LANG=en&MENU=0000000000&CONT=euro&MODELL=gfs&MODELLTYP=1&BASE=-&VAR=prec&HH=3&ZOOM=0&ARCHIV=0&RES=0&WMO=&PERIOD=
Here the weather forecast raster map is available as a .gif image and no info about the projection is provided, so I can't use it directly in the OpenLayers map client.

I also found some weather forecast WMS services for USA, but nothing for Europe.

Do you know about any free data source where the weather forecast map (ideally GFS or ECMWF model) available in a more GIS-compatible format? I would prefer the WMS but I also could use other formats (NetCDF, GeoTiff, ASCII grid..) and re-publish them with MapServer or GeoServer as a WMS.


When I ask the question "where to find a WMS for my topic" It seems a good idea to do a search at http://spatineo.com. I typed in some keywords (GFS, ECMWF, weather forecast) and I found some interesting WMS services with weather forecast data. Spatineo.com also shows if the service is up and if the data access is free or restricted.

Best Answer

You should also try Open Meteo Foundation API. It covers all Europe

On the same web site, you can also get raw data for forecast using their server.

The licence is really open e.g https://openmeteoforecast.org/wiki/License