[GIS] Reading the GEOMETRY table inside SQLite database


I'm working on an android app which should display some lineobjects stored in a SQLite database. This SQLite database is created through an export in QGIS.

Is it a real SQLite database or is it a so called spatialite database?

How to read the column GEOMERTY? This column has the dataformat BLOB. When i open my database with a tool called SQLite database browser this column is empty.

When i open the same database with the Firefox extension SQLite Manager it gives me a value like


And when i open this database on an android device it gives me a value like [B@408acb78 for the GEOMETRY column.

Which markup language is used for this column? Is it Well-known text, well-known binary or something totaly different?

Does anyone know some answers for my questions? Or maybe even someone worked on a similar project (display objects from a sqlitedb on an android device)?

Best Answer

If the file was created with QGIS, as you state, then it should be a Spatialite DB. Please refer to the following site for info regarding Spatialite:


Download the GUI, read the documentation and you will be well on your way to understanding the Spatialite format. There is also an excellent user group here. Have fun!

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