PostGIS – Reading PostGIS Geometry with Shapely


I am doing a small-scale workflow in ipython notebook with geopandas and shapely, pulling a bunch of geospatial data, sometimes from shapefiles, sometimes from postgis (where more expensive processing is performed).

Now, I then pull the postgis tables into python using sqlalchemy, transforming the geometry to WKT along the way, getting something like:

sql = """
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform(the_geom,4326)) as newgeom,* 
  FROM public.parcels2010_small limit 5;
parcels = pd.read_sql(sql, engine)

| id | newgeom                                           | the_geom                                          | parcel_id | osm_node_id |
| 0  | MULTIPOLYGON(((-122.991093691444 38.4878691106... | 01060000209C0E00000100000001030000000100000097... | 1805792   | 66237       |
| 1  | MULTIPOLYGON(((-122.444576448624 37.7346386006... | 01060000209C0E0000010000000103000000010000008A... | 10435     | 123826      |
| 2  | MULTIPOLYGON(((-122.796785208193 38.5427593334... | 01060000209C0E0000010000000103000000010000007D... | 1817842   | 313047      |
| 3  | MULTIPOLYGON(((-122.695538506163 38.3618570798... | 01060000209C0E0000010000000103000000010000009B... | 1934612   | 63776       |
| 4  | MULTIPOLYGON(((-122.223424422869 37.8416019090... | 01060000209C0E00000100000001030000000100000072... | 861785    | 26369       |

This looks a lot like the geometry when loaded from a shapefile, but it is not cast as a shapely geometry. I couldn't find the canonical way to do it, either using shapely alone, or perhaps with Descartes.

Best Answer

The default format for PostGIS geometry is hex-encoded WKB (Well-Known Binary). Shapely has the ability to convert this format into shapely geometry object with its wkb module:

from shapely import wkb

# ....

sql = """SELECT * FROM public.parcels2010_small LIMIT 5;"""
parcels = pd.read_sql(sql, engine)

for parcel in parcels:
    parcel.the_geom = wkb.loads(parcel.the_geom, hex=True)

if you were to then print the geometry it should look something like this:

print parcels[0].the_geom

<shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon object at ...>

See docs on the shapely.wkb module here.

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