[GIS] Read an INSPIRE GML in QGIS2.0 : gml:xlink resolving


I'm trying to read an INSPIRE GML, which contains internal and external links between the elements. I saw on the GDAL site that we can set environment variable in order to load this link in QGIS (http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_gml.html) but it seems it doesn't work on this QGIS version.

The impacted lines look like this one:

Does someone have some experience in integration of this type of model?

Best Answer

I made some tests as-well and, as expected, it seems QGIS does not support the INSPIRE format based on GML3.2 (with xlink). The possible solutions are:

  • If you really need QGIS, to use another more "interoperable" format truly supported (see this page). Keep in mind that, by chance, INSPIRE legislation does not impose GML - anybody implementing INSPIRE is free to use whatever encoding format.
  • To use another software (!). Unfortunately, nobody has ever heard about any GIS software fully supporting INSPIRE GML format... Hope springs eternal :-)
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