[GIS] Re-projection in Geoserver

coordinate systemgeoserverwms

I have published a layer on Geoserver by cascading a remote WMS. i have successfully got all the layers from remote wms and publish one of those layers. But I want to re-project the layer from its native srs wgs84 to declared srs EPSG 3011. But when i displayed this layer in my openlayers application, it did not displayed. Then i go back to geoserver and change the declared srs to wgs84 as well, this time the layer displayed successfully.
my question is, why the layer not re-projected ?. OR is there any other way to re-project the layer other than mentioned above?

Best Answer

You shouldn't be using the force SRS box for that - Tell GeoServer what the projection of the layer really is and then let GeoServer handle the reprojection for you when you make the request.

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