QGIS – Re-Projecting a Base Map with EPSG:4326 Coordinate System Using QGIS

coordinate systemopenstreetmapqgisspatialite

I am trying to change my base map from the open street plug in to Google Street Map from WGS 84 EPSG: 3857 to WGS 84 EPSG: 4326.

My spatialite polygons (originally mapped on United States) projects into the ocean.
Is there a way to project the spatialite polygons (mapped in WGS 84 EPSG: 4326 setting) to a the new basemap in WGS 84 EPSG: 4326 setting?

Here is the properties image for reference:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Your spatialite layer looks ok with EPSG:4326 (not sure where you got 144 East, which is outside the US though).

If Carto DB needs coordinates in Web Mercator meters (EPSG:3857), use Save As ... to copy the data into a new spatialite database, with CRS set to EPSG:3857. That way you can work on with your original database, or the new one. Both should be on the same spot in QGIS with OTF enabled.

No need to change the basemap CRS in QGIS, or re-digitize all your polygons.