[GIS] Re-numbering points along a polyline


Using ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop.

I created perpendicular lines along a polyline. In the process of doing that, the lines were numbered in order (automatically). I manually edited some of the perpendicular lines which re-assigned them a number and therefore the ID's aren't increasing numerically in order along the polyline. I then used the interesect tool to create a point at the intersection of each perpendicular line along the polyline. I want to create a polyline from these data points, but since the id's are not in numeric order the line is not being created correctly.

How can I assign a number to a data point that increases as the points move along the polyline?

I have also tried using ET Geowizards but I don't have a full license and am limited to 100 points but this data set is approximately 20,000 points.

Best Answer

you can use linear referencing to extract the position of the points along the lines ("locate along route" tool).

Then you sort your point using these values and compute an incremental integer.

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