Rasterio – Tool for Creating Mosaic


Is there in Rasterio any way to create a mosaic?

I tried to google it, but I couldn't find anything, maybe someone else already used it.

I want to use some open source possibilities, I already know of possibility to use gdalmerge, gdalwarp.

Best Answer

import rasterio
import numpy as np
from rasterio.merge import merge
from rasterio.plot import show

src1 = rasterio.open('/path/to/your/raster1')
src2 = rasterio.open('/path/to/your/raster2')

# Taking a peek to make sure these are the rasters you want...

srcs_to_mosaic = [src1, src2]

# The merge function returns a single array and the affine transform info
arr, out_trans = merge(srcs_to_mosaic)

show(arr) # Check to make sure the merge looks good.

I was just looking for a similar technique and found this method based on the rasterio/merge.py function given here.

You can check out my example with two orthomosaic images here.

However, I'm not sure this is the best method...no doubt the dude himself @sgillies has more insight into this!

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