[GIS] Rasterio + QGIS – rasterio.drivers() -> TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable


I have been trying to get rasterio working with my QGIS setup so that I can take advantage of the fast raster manipulations.

After a day of installing / uninstalling and then piece by piece searching and getting components installed one by one where needed (From upgrading GDAL, numpy, and a whole slew of other modules which were fighting each other) I manged to get to the point where I could import rasterio without any errors.

However now when I run, the first call in the example causes a Traceback:

with rasterio.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=True):  

creates error =>

TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

I have noticed that other rasterio objects seem fine, but all functions that are in .pyc files have this same issue.

Any help? – I will continue in the morning, but I was hoping some elves would appear and help solve this one tonight! 🙂

Best Answer

@AAmes It looks to me that your code is based on out of date examples or docs. Specifically, the rasterio module no longer exports a drivers() function. Please see http://mapbox.github.io/rasterio/quickstart.html for Rasterio 1.0 usage examples.

I'm sorry about the difficulty of integrating Rasterio with QGIS. I haven't tried it myself, but being familiar with the problems of distributing Python C extensions, I'm surprised that you got it to work at all. Normally, Rasterio is installed using pip. I'm not sure what would be required to install it for QGIS's embedded Python.

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