[GIS] Rasterio.mask returns error ‘shapes are outside bounds of raster’ – but they are definitely within raster bounds


I'm using rasterio.mask.mask to mask a raster with a shapefile.

import rasterio
import fiona

image_object = rasterio.open('/home/cate/image_name.img')

aoi_shapefile = fiona.open('/home/cate/AOI.shp', "r")
aoi = [polygon["geometry"] for polygon in aoi_shapefile]

image_aoi, image_aoi_transform = rasterio.mask.mask(image_object, aoi)

and I get UserWarning: shapes are outside bounds of raster. Are they in different coordinate reference systems?

As far as I can tell the shape is definitely within the raster bounds..

BoundingBox(left=117.4095061135422, bottom=33.73209332058161, right=120.49755473423146, top=35.64128279392083)

(119.82677788035676, 34.076577156414714, 120.37042708436398, 34.575927115244426)

CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326'})

{'init': 'epsg:4326'}

Here is the view in QGIS:
enter image description here

I'm using rasterio 1.0a10 – any ideas what is happening here?

Best Answer

Cate, this is a rasterio bug that is fixed in version 1.0a12 (on PyPI now).

pip install --pre -U rasterio

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