[GIS] Rasterfile clipping error: Cannot compute bounding box of cutline


I have a raster file and want to clip it, a vector file is supposed to be the mask layer. I use the most obvious method (Raster->Extraction->Clipper).
No matter what I do, I get this error (see picture below):

Cannot compute bounding box of cutline

I tried it with changing the raster format, changing the projection etc.
Of course I made research in older posts/Google too. I have no Idea how to solve this problem. If I clip by extend it does work.

Weird thing is, I remember doing this three months ago, same method and I did not get this error.

I also would (instead of a solution for this error) welcome an alternative way to perform this action. I just need to clip a rasterfile as described. Can someone help?


Best Answer

After trying around with everything I finally figured out how to solve the problem. It had indeed to do with the CRS. Right click "Set CRS" was not enough here. I had to perform (on the raster) Raster->Projections->Warp, then set the desired CRS again and save as Geotiff.

The mask layer (vector layer) had to be saved again with the same CRS. After that the process worked.

Still weird, because I know, that in 1.7.4 it did work immediately. I can remember pretty well, because that was when I started with QGIS.

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