QGIS – Converting Raster to Vector (Polygons) with Generalisation


I have created rasters showing different types of vegetation (bushes, trees, open land) with help from lidar data. Now I'm looking for a method to turn these images into polygons.

I'm using a Mac and preferably QGIS, GDAL, GRASS etc. I do have the possibility to use Windows but I'd prefer staying in Mac OS X.

Here is the source image:
source image

Blue (with some red) means trees and red is bushes. White is open land.

And this image (drawn by hand) is kind of what I'd like to achieve:
target image

Any ideas?

I've tried r.neighbors some but I'm not satisfied.

Update: I have now tried Majority and it looks better. But the narrow part in the south east part is not being included. I guess those dots are not in "majority". How could I make them being included? It's like if I need minority but not extreme minority…

See image below (note that I have only included bushes, the red color from the original image):


Best Answer

You can use a Majority Filter followed by Polygonize for this type of operation. QGIS has a majority filter in the SAGA toolbox. Polygonize is found in the Raster tab > Conversion > Polygonize (Raster to Vector...). For more cartographically pleasant vector features, use Simplify Geometry to smooth the rough vector edges: Vector > Geometry Tools > Simplify Geometries...

enter image description here

enter image description here

Another option is to use a Guassian Filter in the SAGA toolbox and then threshold that output using the Raster Calculator. In this second example, I used a double pass circular Guassian Filter with a stdev of 3 and a search radius of 30. I then thresholded the resulting image using the following syntax in the raster calculator:

"Filtered Grid@1" > 0.7

The resulting output is overlaid in transparent blue on the original:

enter image description here

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