[GIS] Raster style based on percentile QGIS


Is there a way to get similar raster styling in QGIS as ArcGIS does with classified raster data based on percentile scores? In other words, I want an equal number of pixels in one color for my entire raster. I already tried all settings for pseudocolor in QGIS. QGIS 2.12.1 Windows

In ArcGIS this functionality can be found in Layer properties – Symbology – Classified – Classify – Quantile

This is easy with shapefiles but not evident to me with raster files

UPDATE: I started working on a plugin but ran into problems: Quantile in QGIS python Plugin

enter image description here

Dialog window in arcGIS

Equal Interval histogram

Classes in Histogram for equal interval setting

Quantile Histogram

classes in histogram for quantile (Equal number of pixels in class) setting

Best Answer

The singleband pseudocolor dialogue has an 'equal interval' option on which you can set the # of classes and the colours themselves:

enter image description here

Is that what you're after?

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