[GIS] Raster clipping without producing no data values


I'm trying to clip a raster in ArcMap using a polygon, and I'm wondering if there's any way to have the resulting raster not include any "no data" values (I apologize for the poor grammar). My process in pictures is as follows:

Input Raster:

enter image description here

Polygon as clipping extent:

enter image description here

Clip tool options:

enter image description here

Resulting raster with No Data shown in red:

enter image description here

I just want the resulting raster to consist of the cells that have values. Any hints or tips on how to do this?

P.S. I've tried the Extract by Mask tool and it doesn't help.

Best Answer

Sorry, by definition, rasters are rectangular in extent. The best you can do is convert the NoData cells to a value using a Raster Calculator with the map algebra expression:

Con(IsNull("myraster"), 0, "myraster")

ArcGIS Help 10.2: NoData in Raster Datasets