[GIS] Raster Calculator Iteration in ModelBuilder


I have a large number of rasters and I want to add 1 to each of them (e.g. each raster's values currently range from 0 to 1, and I want to make them range from 1 to 2). I believe ModelBuilder, using the "Iterate Rasters" tool and the "Raster Calculator" tool, should do this.

In "Raster Calculator" outside of modelbuilder, selecting the raster name and typing + 1 works to do this on a single raster. However, in modelbuilder, using ("%Raster%") + 1 does not work (see attached photo).

I'm new to ModelBuilder and Python.


Best Answer

The easiest solution is to replace the raster calculator with the "Plus" operator in the iterator.

EDIT: note that I wasn't able to reproduce the problem in ArcGIS 10.6:

("%Raster%") + 1

worked fine in my iterator ( with output =, for example, %Raster%_out )

Anyway, the best solution is to use a Python script

import arcpy 
from arcpy.sa import *

arcpy.env.workspace = r'your_path_to_directory'
for r in arcpy.ListRasters("*"): # list all rasters in workspace
    outRaster = Raster(r)+1 #perfoms addition
    outRaster.save(r[:-4] + "out.tif") #save output in tif format